Healthwise Catalyst Limited
Catalysing The Healthcare Sector

Reliable Healthcare Staffing
Introduction to Healthwise Catalyst Limited - Provision of flexible contract to enable those who want to broaden their experience, plan their family life or earn extra money. Our agency workers must read and agree to our policies, which serves as a general guide that will be provided to them. Our team will manage and ensure compliance is met with government legislation and client requirements. New applications will be processed accurately and followed up to help the worker to be suitable for work at all times, through effective updates. Agency workers will be booked in areas according to their qualifications and efficiencies. Agency workers are permitted to self-book themselves once they are in their place of duty, but they inform the company/booking team with appropriate reference before doing the shift, this is important as our teams aims to keep records and aims to know where the staff is working at any given time, so as to provide assistance. This will also avoid delays in processing payments.
Every assignment will be specified with details, directions, and duration. The agency worker must follow all instructions given by the clients at all times so long as their on their premises, including their policies and procedures. They shall also seek to optimise and satisfy the client and their needs, agency workers are not expected to act in a manner that will discredit the clients and must not unlawfully discriminate, any falsification of records is unacceptable or any attempt to defraud the client in any way, they must arrive and exit the client's premises as contracted and they must ask and receive induction at the start of any assignment in unfamiliar places.
We understand the need of our clients and service users and thus are focused on finding staff and providing services at acceptable and affordable rates. Our services consider the cost and are offered fairly to attract staff at competitive rates, without compromising staff rates. Why? Because our clients are required to provide patients/client-centred care.
Our Take on Modern Slavery and human Trafficking
In accordance with section 54 of the Act 2015 Modern Slavery and human trafficking, Healthwise Catalyst Ltd is committed to protecting and respecting human rights and thus levies a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery and human trafficking in any part of our business. We do not and will not enter into business with any organization or person which/who knowingly supports or is found to be involve in slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour. We will expose and report any party suspected of such acts. Our recruitment and people management processes are designed to ensure that all prospective employees are legally entitled to work in the UK
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If you would like to join our team or want to know more about our healthcare and medical recruitment policies, please get in touch with us.